
Future of work

Bringing the digital transformation to every facet of work.
Future of work

Future of work

Technologies enabling workers to do their jobs better. Future of work sectors include recruiting and hiring, project management software, office of the CFO, sales and marketing tools, messaging and chat, design, and more.

Future of work

Our approach

Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the healthcare industry and a commitment to making a positive impact. We are currently focused on investing in companies that:

Significantly enhance patient outcomes

We support companies that are dedicated to advancing research and development in healthcare, paving the way for development of new healthcare products, treatments, therapies and cures.

Involve a substantial ‘Make-in-India’ component

We seek out companies which are focused on manufacturing top-notch healthcare products for domestic as well as global markets.

Harness technology to augment healthcare delivery

We intend to invest in companies that utilize advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics to improve efficiency of healthcare delivery and outcome. In particular, we are keen on digital health concepts which focus on developing therapeutic ideas, analyzing medical data, and identifying patterns.

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What we’re reading.