
Building great companies for the future

We focus on investment excellence today to create a profound impact
Our Approach

Investing in long-term growth

At Premji Invest, our philosophy is led by our commitment to excellence and investing for the long-term. Our theses and decisions are informed by deep sector expertise, insightful research, and thoughtful debate. This helps us stay committed to backing companies working towards creating a better future for the community and our wider mission of supporting the philanthropic work of the Azim Premji Foundation.
Hands holding a transparent globe

Diversified funds

With the experience of investing across industries and asset classes, the Premji Invest team has built expertise to analyze, quantify, and support investments that create long-term value.
Growth Equity
Our private equity team has experience growing successful companies from seed, working closely with their founders.
Public Markets
We invest in India’s secondary market with an interest in undervalued opportunities in companies with a strong track record and solid long-term prospects.
Early Stage
We use our extensive network to help companies grow their businesses with access to capital, expertise, and insights.